Friday, November 06, 2020

Why I voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

I think some people have misunderstood some of the things I've said. Let me be very clear about something. I am NOT a Trump supporter. Like all politicians, I think he is a insane sociopath, and in all likelihood, a full-on son of Belial.

The problem is that I am very concerned about the political left. Ideologically, they have become radicalized, and with all the riots and violence, it is apparent they have become militarized.

For modern liberals, it isn't enough for those on the conservative end of the political divide to step out of the way. No. Liberals demand they actually AGREE with them, haranguing dissent with long, hateful lectures, using politically charged titles like "racist" and "homophobe" to paint all dissenters into the same light. It is never enough to allow leftist policies to become reality, but the sentiments must also change. Conservatives must embrace them as the right thing to do, or they, in essence, become enemies of the state. Are you pro-Capitalism? If yes, then you hate the poor in America and want to see them dissolve. Are you pro-life? Then you hate women and want to see the continuation of a corrupt patriarchal society. Are you against the tenants of the Communistic "Black Lives Matter" agenda? Then you are a racist. Do you want migration to only occur through legal channels? Then you are a xenophobe. Does you religion teach that homosexual behavior is a sin? Then you are a homophobe. This is the mindset of the left.

This type of thinking, the type that wants to control the sentiments and opinions of a nation, and suppresses free-thought, concerns me. And it should concern all who love individual liberty. And it really should concern Christians. Because, in the end, even if you don't take your religion into the courthouses, just the simple fact that a religion merely EXISTS that doesn't embrace these alternative lifestyles as acceptable will eventually become intolerable to them, and will need to be controlled, if not eliminated. Even if only adherents of the religion practice them, the idea will continually grow more and more hateful. It will be be viewed, more and more, as a disease... as a Cancer that needs excised from the nation.

Also consider that the liberal left want to replace the Electoral College a popular vote for elections. This puts the choice for president in the hands of three or four major cities, essentially silencing the voices of the heartland, farmlands, and forested rural areas on who their choice in President would be based on the ideas and values of their respected communities.

And of course, consider that the more dependent upon government the people are, the more likely they are to vote for the perceived "humanitarian" candidate that makes the most lavish promises to expand the availability of government subsidies, endowments, and provisions. As government expands these entitlement programs, government grows in size and scope. And, as people grow dependent upon these services, the less viable the reduction of the size of government becomes.

Not that I think Donald Trump is the answer. Being a Christian, I am full aware that the true issue is sin. Satan is behind it all. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, not a politician, nor a political ideology, is the cure for the nation.

So, why did I vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

The polls were showing that the Democrats were likely going to take the Senate in the 2020 election. Combine that with a Biden win, and you have Democrats with unchecked power. Donald Trump's veto power as president would be a check to that power. My political ideology is libertarian. We want a government that is as noninvasive to the individual as possible. Maximum individual liberty, as opposed to the bloated regulatory power the state currently claims. A Democratically controlled Congress with a Republican president is essentially a deadlocked government. This is a temporarily ideal circumstance from a libertarian standpoint. It is what C. S. Lewis colloquially called a "stagnation" scenario. A government that essentially can't do anything, since it is surrounded by opposing ideologies that serve as political brick walls that prevents almost any policy change. When government changes policy, or enacts new policy, it is almost assured that it will grant them more regulatory power to control some aspect of life.

So, my vote wasn't to throw support to a candidate, but to hopefully promote a governmental structure conducive to impotent government and to prevent further erosion of our individual liberties for at least two years.

Thursday, May 07, 2020

My Thoughts on PPE for COVID19

First of all, a disclaimer. It has been decades since I've worked in the medical industry, and it is entirely possible that standards have changed much since my time.

I admit, I thought it odd when the government started calling for citizens to wear PPE to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus associated with the COVID19 outbreak (SARS-CoV-2). It seemed to contradict what I'd been taught during my time working in the hospital when dealing with contagious diseases.

Back in the early 90's, our primary worry was Hepatitus, Tubercolosis (TB), Scabies (body lice), and, of course, AIDS. Admittance of a patient even suspected of having any of these would mean putting the patient in isolation. Outside an isolated patient's door would be a cart where healthcare workers could dress out in PPE before entering the patient's room.

And, there were rules. Of course, wearing gloves and handwashing was stressed for all patient interaction, except perhaps something simple like taking vital signs. But the PPE required for isolation patients included masks, gowns, booties, hair nets, and of course, gloves.

The rule was simple. If entrance into a room required a mask, it also required full PPE dress-out. The logic was as follows. Masks primarily protects the patient from the healthcare worker, not the other way around. If a patient was immuno-compromised, such as a HIV positive patient, or a patient who had recently received Cancer treatment, it was imperative to protect the patient from outside contagions. But masks were considered fairly useless in protecting healthcare workers from contracting contagious diseases from patients. And if you were caught entering a isolated patient's room wearing only a mask, you would have been, at the very least, laughed at, if not disciplined for not following hospital procedure in dealing with isolation patients.

Now, I understand the logic that any barrier is better than no barrier. But think about it. If an individual with the Coronavirus sneezes around you, the mask might prevent direct inhalation of the contaminated water vapor, but it will still settle on your skin and clothing. And when you undress for the day, most likely your skin and clothes will touch your face. But, if you were wearing full PPE, you had significantly less to worry about. The virus would have likely settled on the gowns and other PPE worn, which is discarded in a biohazard bin as soon as interaction with the patient is completed.

Again, my experience was decades ago, and maybe some standards have changed.

So, that begs the question, if a simple mask isn't as effective as the government would like us to believe, why are they stressing it's use? Well, I can only speculate, but I think it is a psychological ploy. When facing an emergency, the best way to prevent a full-blown panic is to occupy people. The old "go-boil-some-water" tactic that is used on husbands whose wives are in childbirth. People who wear masks BELIEVE they are doing something that is contributing to "flattening the curve" or whatever nomenclature the government wants to give to its efforts to combat the spread of the virus. It is keeping the people busy. They are taking advantage of the fact that we have essentially become a nation of "useful idiots", who have completely lost the ability to recognize when we are being manipulated and exploited.

Now, I'm not suggesting we don't take these precautions. But I suggest we do the homework. There's evidence that these efforts could prolong the pandemic. What do I fear more than a virus ravaging the world? The answer is simple. I fear an unthinking populace that will blindly follow its government off the side of a cliff like mindless lemmings when they perceive danger.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Alinsky's 8 Levels of Control

  1. Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.
  2. Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  3. Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  4. Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  5. Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
  6. Education - Take control of what people read and listen to - take control of what children learn in school.
  7. Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
  8. Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.